TRIAL PACK “Old Dogs” Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) 15g (Limited Time Sale)

TRIAL PACK “Old Dogs” Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) 15g (Limited Time Sale)

$17.00 Including GST

PEA for Dogs. SPECIAL OFFER TRIAL PACK 15grams. Limit ONE per order.

2 in stock


PEA for Dogs. TRIAL PACK 15grams. Limit ONE per order.

A 30kg dog will need up to 600mg’s of PEA per day. This might be 1 x 600mg or divided into 2 x 300mg doses. (If your dog is miserable, you might even double that dose.) If your dog is smaller you can give them less per day. Eg 15kg dog needs 300mg per day. 10kg or less dogs need 200mg per day. This is about the minimum effective dose, even for tiny dogs.

A 15 gram bag will last 50 days if you give 300mg’s per day.


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