Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) for Pets - Dogs Cats Horses
In our bodies PEA is responsible for reducing both pain and inflammation. It is not addictive, does not interact with other compounds (like pharmaceuticals) and it is impossible to overdose on it. For this reason, PEA consumption has been rapidly growing in humans - for a massive number of conditions - with very solid research saying it helps.
Palmitoylethanolamide has a ton of research saying it helps dozens of medical conditions - in humans and dogs - but in the future it will be known as a "Youth" or "Anti-aging" supplement.
PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide) is a Cannaboid Found Normally In All Human Cells (and Other Mammals Including Dogs, Cats & Horses)
Albert (pictured above) is 13 years old. Over the past few years he had been slowing down - a lot. He groaned as he stood up from his bed or mat, and limped around until he was very warmed up. When a ride was offered, instead of leaping enthusiastically into the back of our Forester, he would wait patiently with a sad face hoping for a "lift".
I had read about PEA and its use in humans - and wondered if it would help him? The dog research I found said there were consistent improvements in dogs for osteoarthritic pain, swelling, and even allergic/immune skin conditions (canine atopic dermatitis).
When added to the mountain of clinical research for humans - with effective help with things from pain and inflammation to recovery from exercises, faster recovery from infections, skin and allergy problems, confusion, toothache, sciatic pain, shingles, IBD, Parkinsons and others.
As it is already found in the body, it is non-toxic. It seems our levels of PEA drop when we have a chronic condition. And when we top up, the condition is improved. Or so the research says.
So - lucky Albert the dog became a guinea pig. I gave him the equivalent dose per kg that humans would get. I used powder rather than capsules as it was cheaper. It is tasteless - so the powder was just sprinkled onto his meals twice a day.
As with humans, it took about a week to work. And then: (Watch the video!)
Instead of almost having to be carried back to the car after even a short walk - he was "towing" us around like he did as a young dog. (We thought we had cured him of this - but it must have that he got tired faster - and so behaved better?) He now leaps into the cars, both before and after walks. His overall condition is much better, and his "old dog" limping after a sleep is almost gone (still there a bit - but only briefly).
Then a couple of our friends with dogs asked what had happened with Albert. So I managed to get larger quantities of PEA from our supplier in the US. It is the best quality available. Pure pharmaceutical grade PEA, no other additives.
It occurred to me that there are thousands of "old dogs" who are suffering with old age or other conditions that might be helped with this supplement. So we decided to organize this website so that people could look after their pets, while doing everything to keep the cost as low as possible.
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) - Available Now From Our Online Store For Fast Delivery
Old Dog Supplement (Palmitoylethanolamide) is available in a 30, 60, 90, 120, 200 and Ikg bag. It comes with simple dosage instructions and a measuring spoon. No prescription is needed for PEA - for either your pet or for you.
A 30kg dog will need up to 600mg's of PEA per day. This might be 1 x 600mg or divided into 2 x 300mg doses. (If your dog is miserable, you might even double that dose.) A 30 gram bag will last 50 days if you give 600mg's per day. A 50kg dog will need 1000mg's per day, so the 30 gram bag will last 30 days. Studies show the effective dose range is between 10mg and 20mg per kilogram for most mammals.
We created the increasing bag sizes so that once you know it works for your animals, you can get a larger bag, and save some money. For most people I suggest you begin with a 30 gram bag for pets, and a 200gram bag for horses - which should be enough for you to what improvements happen - or not.
- 30 gram bag Pharmaceutical Grade Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) $32.30
- 60 gram bag Pharmaceutical Grade Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) $59.45
- 90 gram bag Pharmaceutical Grade Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) $82.50
- 120 gram bag Pharmaceutical Grade Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) $101.30
- 200 gram bag Pharmaceutical Grade Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) $155.90
-Includes GST. Postage is additional $10
-*subject to change
In this video, the vet explains more about PEA and it's use in dogs and cats.
There are links to research in both dogs and humans below.
Possibly the main thing to remember is that PEA is proven work wonders for pain, inflammation, recovery from infections, and faster healing in humans. On top of that it is non-toxic, already found in bodies of humans and dogs and cats, and does not interact with other pharmaceuticals or pain-killers. For the same reasons this is good for humans, it is good for most animals as well.
Want to give your pet a new lease on life? Give them some PEA...
Dosage for dogs, cats and horses is mostly based on the human dose of 10mg to 20mg per kilogram twice per day. Eg for each 10kg of weight of your dog - you give 200 milligrams (dosage spoon comes with your PEA). 200mg is the smallest dose if your dog is quite small. If you have a 50kg dog - the dose will be 1000 milligrams (or 1 gram) per day. If your horse weighs approximately 500kg, the dose at 10mg per kg will be 5 grams per day (just pour onto their feed - it is tasteless).