Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA for short) is what we believe to be the very best supplement for older dogs. It is also great with other animals – and can help with inflammation even in younger pets.

PEA is found in high levels in mammals that do not have chronic (long lasting) pain and inflammation. It is found at lower levels in animals that do have chronic pain and inflammation. And the studies show that when sufficiently supplemented, this can reduce the level of pain and inflammation felt.
This study is slightly different to many others that have focused on longer term relief. This study gave the beagles a SINGLE dose of PEA, before then giving them an allergen (bastards – gave them an injection of Ascaris extract which they are allergic to).
They used three doses of PEA (3, 10 and 30mg/kg) in this study. The two larger doses were sufficient to reduce the very nasty wheal (skin rash) caused by the injection. For reference if your beagle weighs 20kg, the three doses tested 60mg, 200mg and 600mg. The 200 and 600mg doses were effective, and the authors believe the 600mg lasted longer. Which makes sense.
A good extension of this study would be give the beagles 600mg daily for a month, and then give them a shot of the nasty allergen? I will be glad when another way of testing is found. I rationalize it here that these beagles were contributing to perhaps helping many other animals have less misery in their lives from allergies. (Humans also benefit from PEA – and these tests were actually designed to develop treatments for humans too.)
The conclusion? PEA is great for longer term conditions, but now apparently there is a bit of evidence that it can assist in a short term (single dose) regime. Note that they did not test the effect of PEA AFTER the shot only BEFORE. This further adds to our belief that PEA is the premier supplement for older animals and those others with pain and inflammation.
Here is the paper: Effects of palmitoylethanolamide on the cutaneous allergic inflammatory response in Ascaris hypersensitive Beagle dogs