“Old Dogs” Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) for Horses & Large Animals (200grams)

“Old Dogs” Palmitoylethanolamine (PEA) for Horses & Large Animals (200grams)

$155.00 Including GST

Old Dogs Palmitoylethanolamide PEA Supplement 200gram Budget Pack
For large animals, horses included.

Packed in secure zip lock bag. Pure PEA.

1 in stock


Old Dogs Palmitoylethanolamide PEA Supplement 200gram Budget Pack for Large Animals including Horses

Published studies indicate the dose range of 5mg/kg to 10mg/kg are appropriate for most mammals. For a 500kg horse this means 2.5grams per day (5mg/kg) to 5grams per day (10mg/kg).

Please consult with your vet if unsure. You are welcome to chat with us on FB Messenger – it should open on this page or just visit https://www.facebook.com/olddogsupplements


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