Category Archives for "PEA Research"

PEA (Palmitoyethanolamide) helps gut health in obese pets

Complicated Study Shows That PEA Has Massive Positive Effect On Gut Biota – Helping Reduce Inflammation Including Improving Gut Barrier Integrity! Especially If Obese.

It is true that sometimes the authors of clinical research papers seem to overcomplicate their results, and work hard to make things harder to understand. This study is a perfect example, but is worth translating to normal English because of the benefits of PEA for inflammation. In a nutshell, one major finding is related […]

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Canine Mast Cell Tumour PEA

Mast Cell Tumours in Dogs – Possible Relief?

What is a mast cell tumour? These tumours appear as a raised lump or bump on the dog’s skin, or just under it. It can look red, swollen, ulcerated and nasty looking. They can grow a varying rates – sometimes doing nothing for months, and other times appearing to change size overnight. The area around […]

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A Pet Supplement So Good – Humans Are Now Using It Too…

Ok, it turns out that the excellent results when PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide) is given to dogs, cats and other test animals are being used to help humans with their pain and inflammation. And yes, that was the reason it was tested on (pet) animals first. To see if it was worth testing on people. And guess […]

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Beagle Allergy PEA

PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide) Shown To Reduce Allergic Inflammatory Response Beagle Dogs

Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA for short) is what we believe to be the very best supplement for older dogs. It is also great with other animals – and can help with inflammation even in younger pets. PEA is found in high levels in mammals that do not have chronic (long lasting) pain and inflammation. It is found at […]

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Atopic Canine Dermatitis Palmitoylethanolamide

Efficacy of ultra-micronized palmitoylethanolamide in canine atopic dermatitis: an open-label multi-centre study

Does Your Dog Have Canine Atopic Dermatitis? It Is Awful For Your Dog And Can Drive You Nuts As Well… What is it? Atopic dermatitis is inflammation and irritation of the skin due to allergy. It is similar to eczema in humans. But what is your dog allergic to? As with humans it might be just […]

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